LinkedIn will resolve a bug that led to its iOS app copying contents from a user’s clipboard according to reports.

Users had shared reports of the platform’s iOS app copying contents from their clipboard discovered through iOS14’s new feature.

“LinkedIn is copying the contents of my clipboard every keystroke. IOS 14 allows users to see each paste notification. I’m on an IPad Pro and it’s copying from the clipboard of my MacBook Pro. Tik Tok just got called out for this exact reason,” a Twitter user (@DonCubed) posted.

LinkedIn engineering VP Erran Berger replied to the tweet and said that the app had been copying the content for an “equality check” between content typed in a text box and the content within the clipboard.

“Appreciate you raising this. We've traced this to a code path that only does an equality check between the clipboard contents and the currently typed content in a text box. We don't store or transmit the clipboard contents,” Berger wrote.

“We will follow up once the fix is live in our app,” he added.

A LinkedIn spokesperson told ZDNet that the issue had been caused by a behaviour bug in its iOS app was responsible and that the company was working to fix the same.

The issue had been discovered by a new privacy feature in iOS14 that notifies a user when an app copies something from another app or device. Its beta version is currently available for developers.

Short video platform TikTok had previously been called out for this issue s the feature had led to users discovering that the app had been copying content from their clipboard.

TikTok had said that it had been doing so as part of a fraud detection mechanism. It further clarified that the company hadn’t stolen any clipboard data but it will remove the feature to put users’ mind at ease, ZDNet reported.